The genius way KitKat owns a specific part of your day 🍫
Your ultimate guide to "Moment Marketing"
KitKat just dropped a genius campaign. 🤯
KitKat posted a video that links their iconic slogan “Have a Break” with a surprising way to boost ChatGPT's performance. The trick? Asking the AI to take a break! 😮
Interestingly, this isn’t a marketing gimmick:
Google's latest research shows that breaks can actually improve AI output (Try it yourself: ask ChatGPT to “take a break, and then…” and you’ll see that it actually works).
👉 Here is the real game-changer: This video is part of KitKat's bigger strategy to become synonymous with having a break. KitKat has an actual mission to OWN the concept of taking a break. It’s the perfect “Moment Marketing” masterclass.
Let’s dive in.
💡 Moment Marketing 101: Identify a specific moment in your customer's day when your product or service is most helpful — and own that moment.
♥️ How KitKat Owned the ‘Break’ Moment
KitKat’s strategy for blending their message into our daily lives (and owning the moment of ‘having a break’) is super impressive.
They are famous for their billboards, designed to remind you to take breaks:
They’ve also targeted specific Gen-Z search keywords on Google and YouTube, such as ‘bad hair day’ or ‘I hate Mondays,’ and advertised advice to just take a break.
😍 And my favorite: They even placed public benches shaped like KitKat bars, all about reminding you to seize the moment for a break.
📘 The KitKat Method: A Tactical Guide
How to make your brand synonymous with a daily ritual? Here’s how to master “Moment Marketing”: 👇
🏝️ Choose a moment: Pinpoint the exact moment in a customer's day when your product or service is most relevant. Literally write it down: Where and when will it be used (naturally)? KitKat owns the break time.
Pro tip: Don’t just focus on the product’s function. Think about emotions during before/after situations, too. For example: a gym might target the ‘pre-workout jitters’ moment.
🧠 Create a ‘moment-prompting’ slogan: Your slogan or visual should lead people to your identified moment - nudging them toward your product. It should remind people of the perfect time and place to use your product. ‘Have a Break’.
🗺️ Real-world integration: Put your brand logo/slogan in everyday places, like KitKat with their park benches, to make it super easy for people to choose you when that moment strikes. It’s perfect for online, too. Think of what your audience is doing or using at these times and how you can be part of it.
⛳️ Practical Examples & Inspiration
How would I apply this framework across different industries? 👇
🦸 Productivity software (Moment: mornings): Best for morning use in the office. Slogan idea: ‘Plan Your Day Over Coffee.’ Implement it by distributing branded coffee mugs to offices, reminding users of your software during their morning routine. Collaborate with cafes near office buildings, and give complimentary coffee in a paper cup with your slogan.
🧘♀️ Meditation app (Moment: commuting): Ideal for stressful commutes. Use subway billboards to promote a 10-minute meditation session with the slogan ‘Breathe through the Journey.’ Sponsor interactive ads in public transport for on-the-go meditation with your app.
🦜 Language learning app (Moment: waiting times): Leverage waiting times as learning opportunities. Slogan: ‘Turn Waiting into Learning.’ Put QR codes near waiting areas (in supermarkets, public services, etc) and offer to transform idle time into productive sessions.
Remember: It’s all about becoming an integral part of someone’s routine in a meaningful way - by being there in the right moment.
TL;DR — Win customers by owning a key moment in their day. Think of a time when your product naturally fits in, then create a short, catchy reminder that pops into their head then. Last, put your brand right there in that moment, like a friendly nudge to choose you.
KitKat is one of the best marketing schools out there. They’re not just selling chocolate: They’re selling a moment. A ritual. An idea. 💡
See you next week ✌️
Shout out to my friend Galit for the inspiration for this marketing idea!
Love this. Having worked quite a bit with big companies on beverages / snacks, what becomes painfully clear is that you have to nail the OCCASION. People use different products/services at different times (occasions) to satisfy a need / do a job. If you get the occasion wrong, it doesn't matter if the product is great, it'll fail.
Owning a moment is a great idea for brands - clearly works well for KitKat and could be equally powerful for other brands too - but maybe more difficult for other service type brands ?