The best little thing to add to your website homepage? Toggles!
Homepage toggles can be a game-changer for user acquisition.
Here’s how it works: Dedicate a section on your homepage to list your features, and place a toggle next to each one. On the other side of the screen, display a product mockup that changes based on the user’s toggle selections.
By switching toggles on & off, visitors can clearly see how your product fits their specific needs — as they remove all irrelevant features and visualize their ideal version of your platform. 🖼️
And when they see how well your offering matches what they're looking for? → It’s a no-brainer for them to sign up!
Bonus side effect of toggles:
🎮 Fun to play with, keeping visitors on your site longer
📈 Longer visits = better SEO = more organic traffic
This is a super cool experience that shows the power of your platform’s customization firsthand. It’s like giving people a personalized demo before they even sign up.
🔥 The Bottom Line
Take toggles outside of your product’s UI/UX and onto your public facing homepage. Let users pick and choose their favorite features and visualize the platform accordingly.
P.S. I wrote a full article about visualization last year - read it here
See you next week ✌️
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As long as the product itself is built modularly so the visualized customization can actually be delivered, this works really well. This pattern is fairly commonly in dashboard UI, so functionality does not overwhelm new users. This is much tougher to pull off paired with products architected as a monolith.
I saw some websites with interactive demos using arcade-software. That hooked me for a long time. I rephrased your idea as "make an interactive website" especially about how your product will work / solves their problem.